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时间: 2024-09-20 01:09:41



1. The variegation in the leaves of the plant adds a splash of color to the garden. (这种植物叶子上的斑驳色彩为花园增添了一抹色彩。)

2. The variegation of opinions among the committee members led to a lengthy debate. (委员会成员意见的多样性导致了一场长时间的辩论。)

3. The variegation of experiences in her career prepared her well for leadership. (她职业生涯中丰富的经历使她为领导角色做好了准备。)

4. The artist used variegation of textures to create depth in the painting. (艺术家利用纹理的多样性在画作中营造了深度。)

5. The variegation of cultural influences in the city makes it a vibrant place to live. (这座城市文化影响的多样性使其成为一个充满活力的居住地。)

6. The variegation of flavors in the dish appealed to the gourmet's palate. (这道菜肴中各种口味的多样性迎合了美食家的味蕾。)

7. In gardening, variegation refers to the presence of different colors or patterns in plant leaves. (在园艺中,斑驳指的是植物叶子上出现不同的颜色或图案。)

8. The variegation of responsibilities in her job kept her engaged and challenged. (她工作中责任的多样性使她保持了兴趣和挑战。)

9. The variegation of architectural styles in the cityscape creates a unique visual identity. (城市风貌中建筑风格的多样性创造了独特的视觉身份。)

10. The variegation of economic policies affected various sectors differently. (经济政策的多样性对各个行业产生了不同的影响。)

11. The variegation of strategies allowed the team to adapt to changing market conditions. (策略的多样性使团队能够适应不断变化的市场条件。)

12. She appreciated the variegation of perspectives brought by international travel. (她欣赏国际旅行带来的观点多样性。)

13. The variegation of habitats within the national park supports diverse wildlife. (国家公园内各种栖息地的多样性支持了丰富的野生动物。)

14. The variegation of teaching methods catered to different learning styles in the classroom. (教学方法的多样性适应了课堂上不同的学习风格。)

15. The variegation of emotions in his novel resonated deeply with readers. (小说中情感的多样性深深打动了读者。)


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