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时间: 2024-09-17 13:46:20


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations for "venturesome":

1. She was known for her venturesome spirit, always eager to explore new ideas. 她以其敢为精神而著称,总是渴望探索新的想法。

2. The venturesome explorer scaled the mountain despite the risks. 这位敢于冒险的探险家尽管面临风险,还是攀登了这座山。

3. His venturesome nature led him to start his own business at a young age. 他敢为的天性促使他在年轻时就创办了自己的公司。

4. The venturesome decision to invest in the startup paid off handsomely. 敢于投资这家初创公司的决定取得了丰厚的回报。

5. They embarked on a venturesome journey across the desert. 他们开始了一次冒险的穿越沙漠之旅。

6. Her venturesome attitude inspired her team to think creatively. 她的敢为态度激发了她的团队进行创造性思考。

7. Despite the dangers, he felt compelled by his venturesome spirit to explore the deep sea. 尽管充满危险,但他的冒险精神驱使他去探索深海。

8. The venturesome investor was always seeking out new opportunities. 这位冒险的投资者总是在寻找新的机会。

9. They admired her venturesome approach to problem-solving. 他们钦佩她在解决问题时的大胆态度。

10. The venturesome project pushed the boundaries of traditional architecture. 这个大胆的项目推动了传统建筑的界限。

11. With a venturesome spirit, she decided to backpack across Europe alone. 怀着冒险的精神,她决定独自背包旅行穿越欧洲。

12. His venturesome career choices took him around the world. 他大胆的职业选择让他周游世界。

13. The venturesome entrepreneur invested in innovative technology. 这位大胆的企业家投资了创新技术。

14. They were impressed by his venturesome plan to revolutionize the industry. 他们对他改革行业的大胆计划印象深刻。

15. Her venturesome personality made her a natural leader. 她大胆的个性使她成为了一个天生的领导者。


上一个 【英语】prevaricate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】adventurous的例句



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