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时间: 2024-09-10 07:21:02



1. She decided to enter the convent and dedicate her life to prayer and service. (她决定进修女院,把生活奉献给祈祷和服务。)

2. The convent was nestled in a peaceful valley, far from the noise of the city. (修女院坐落在一个宁静的山谷里,远离城市的喧嚣。)

3. The convent's garden was filled with roses of all colors. (修女院的花园里长满了各种颜色的玫瑰。)

4. He visited the convent to seek advice from the wise abbess. (他去修女院寻求智慧的修院长的建议。)

5. The convent bells rang out every morning at dawn. (修女院的钟声每天早晨黎明时分响起。)

6. The convent provided shelter for women in need. (修女院为有需要的女性提供庇护。)

7. Living in the convent required a life of obedience and discipline. (生活在修女院里要求顺从和自律的生活。)

8. The convent's chapel was adorned with beautiful stained glass windows. (修女院的小教堂装饰着美丽的彩色玻璃窗。)

9. The convent's library housed ancient manuscripts and religious texts. (修女院的图书馆收藏着古老的手稿和宗教文献。)

10. They attended a wedding ceremony held in the convent's chapel. (他们参加了在修女院小教堂举行的婚礼仪式。)

11. The convent celebrated its 500th anniversary with a special mass. (修女院用特别的弥撒庆祝其500周年纪念。)

12. The convent was known for its strict adherence to traditions. (这个修女院因其严格遵循传统而闻名。)

13. Many young women were inspired to join the convent after witnessing the nuns' dedication. (许多年轻女性在见证修女们的奉献精神后受到启发,决定加入修女院。)

14. The convent's abbess welcomed visitors with warmth and hospitality. (修女院的修院长热情好客地欢迎访客。)

15. The convent was located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by fields and forests. (修女院位于城市的郊外,周围环绕着田野和森林。)


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