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时间: 2024-09-10 06:58:09



1. After many setbacks, he achieved eventual success.

- 经历了许多挫折之后,他最终取得了成功。

2. The eventual outcome of the negotiations was a compromise.

- 谈判的最终结果是达成了妥协。

3. They had to accept the eventual decision of the committee.

- 他们不得不接受委员会的最终决定。

4. The eventual winner of the race crossed the finish line just seconds ahead.

- 比赛的最终获胜者领先了几秒钟到达终点线。

5. Despite the difficulties, they remained optimistic about the eventual outcome.

- 尽管困难重重,他们依然对最终结果保持乐观态度。

6. The company’s eventual goal is to expand into international markets.

- 公司的最终目标是进军国际市场。

7. He accepted the reality of his eventual retirement.

- 他接受了最终退休的现实。

8. The eventual winner of the contest was announced at the awards ceremony.

- 比赛的最终获胜者在颁奖典礼上宣布。

9. They prepared for the eventual arrival of their guests by cleaning the house thoroughly.

- 他们彻底清洁了房子,为客人最终的到来做好了准备。

10. The eventual cost of the project exceeded their initial budget estimates.

- 项目的最终成本超出了他们最初的预算估计。

11. The eventual discovery of the truth brought closure to the long-standing mystery.

- 最终发现真相解开了长期存在的谜团。

12. Despite initial setbacks, they were confident in the eventual success of their venture.

- 尽管起初遭遇了挫折,他们对企业最终的成功充满信心。

13. The eventual decline in sales prompted them to reevaluate their marketing strategy.

- 销售的最终下降促使他们重新评估市场策略。

14. She knew the eventual decision would have significant implications for her career.

- 她知道最终的决定对她的职业生涯会有重大影响。

15. Their eventual reunion after years apart was a joyful occasion for the entire family.

- 分别多年后他们的最终重聚是整个家庭的欢乐时刻。


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