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时间: 2024-09-14 01:36:19


Certainly! "Malevolence" refers to the state of having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

1. His malevolence towards his colleagues was evident in his constant undermining of their efforts. (他对同事的恶意在于不断地破坏他们的努力。)

2. The villain's malevolence knew no bounds; he delighted in causing suffering wherever he went. (恶棍的恶意无法限制; 他喜欢在他所到之处造成痛苦。)

3. The book's protagonist battled against the malevolence of the supernatural entity haunting the town. (书中的主人公与鬼魅降临镇上的邪恶势力作斗争。)

4. Despite her outward kindness, there was an underlying malevolence in her actions that unsettled those around her. (尽管她外表友善,但她行动中的恶意使周围的人感到不安。)

5. The dictator ruled with an iron fist and a heart full of malevolence towards dissenters. (这位独裁者用铁腕统治,并对持不同意见者怀有恶意。)

6. The defendant's malevolence towards the victim was clear from the threatening messages he sent. (被告对受害者的恶意显而易见,他发送了威胁性的消息。)

7. The dark wizard's spells were fueled by his malevolence towards all who opposed him. (黑巫师的咒语源于他对所有反对者的恶意。)

8. The film depicted the destructive power of malevolence when it is unchecked by morality. (这部电影展示了恶意在没有道德约束时的毁灭力量。)

9. The detective sensed a palpable aura of malevolence in the abandoned house. (侦探感觉到废弃房子里弥漫着一股明显的恶意气息。)

10. The rumor was spread out of sheer malevolence to tarnish her reputation. (这个谣言纯粹是出于恶意散播的,目的是抹黑她的声誉。)

11. The playground bully's malevolence made him a feared figure among the younger children. (操场上的恶霸因其恶意成为小孩们心中的可怕人物。)

12. The cult leader's charismatic persona masked a deep-seated malevolence that drove his followers to extreme actions. (邪教领袖的魅力人格掩盖了一种深藏的恶意,推动其追随者采取极端行动。)

13. The politician's speech was laced with subtle malevolence towards his opponents. (政客的讲话中充满了对他对手的隐晦恶意。)

14. The novelist portrayed the antagonist with a chilling malevolence that haunted readers long after finishing the book. (小说家描绘的反派角色展现了一种令人毛骨悚然的恶意,读者在读完书后仍被其影响。)

15. Despite the hardships he faced, he never succumbed to bitterness or malevolence towards others. (尽管他面临重重困难,但他从未向他人表现出苦毒或恶意。)

上一个 【英语】benevolence的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】volubility的例句



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