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时间: 2024-09-20 06:35:30


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "convolve," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The data from the experiment was convolved with a smoothing function to reduce noise.

- 实验数据经过卷积处理,使用平滑函数以减少噪音。

2. In image processing, filters are often convolved with the image to enhance certain features.

- 在图像处理中,经常将滤波器与图像进行卷积,以增强特定的特征。

3. The algorithm convolves the input signal with a kernel to extract relevant patterns.

- 这个算法对输入信号与一个核进行卷积,以提取相关的模式。

4. To simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence, we convolve the wavefront with a phase screen.

- 为了模拟大气湍流的影响,我们将波前与相位屏幕进行卷积。

5. The neural network architecture includes layers that convolve the input data to learn hierarchical representations.

- 神经网络结构包括卷积层,用于对输入数据进行卷积,以学习层次化表示。

6. Researchers convolved the genetic data with epidemiological factors to study disease risk.

- 研究人员将遗传数据与流行病学因素进行卷积,以研究疾病风险。

7. The software convolves audio signals in real-time to apply spatial effects.

- 这款软件实时对音频信号进行卷积,以应用空间效果。

8. Physicists convolve the measured spectra with instrument response functions to correct for detector effects.

- 物理学家将测量的光谱与仪器响应函数进行卷积,以校正探测器效应。

9. By convolving historical data with current trends, analysts can predict future market behavior.

- 通过将历史数据与当前趋势进行卷积,分析师可以预测未来的市场行为。

10. The algorithm convolves the input images with a set of filters to detect edges.

- 该算法用一组滤波器对输入图像进行卷积,以检测边缘。

11. Meteorologists convolve weather models with observed data to improve forecast accuracy.

- 气象学家将天气模型与观测数据进行卷积,以提高预报准确性。

12. To analyze the geological structure, geophysicists convolve seismic data with geological models.

- 地球物理学家将地震数据与地质模型进行卷积,以分析地质结构。

13. The software uses convolution to blend multiple layers of digital art seamlessly.

- 这款软件利用卷积将多层数字艺术进行无缝融合。

14. Engineers convolve sensor readings with calibration data to correct measurement errors.

- 工程师将传感器读数与校准数据进行卷积,以校正测量误差。

15. By convolving user feedback with design principles, developers refine user interfaces.

- 通过将用户反馈与设计原则进行卷积,开发人员优化用户界面。

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