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时间: 2024-09-20 01:12:28


Certainly! "Herbivorous" means feeding on plants. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Deer are herbivorous animals, primarily eating grasses and leaves. (鹿是草食动物,主要以草和树叶为食。)

2. Rabbits are herbivorous creatures that graze on vegetation. (兔子是草食性动物,以植物为食。)

3. Gorillas have a herbivorous diet consisting mainly of leaves, shoots, and fruits. (大猩猩主要以树叶、嫩芽和水果为食,是草食性动物。)

4. Cows, sheep, and goats are herbivorous animals that feed on grass. (牛、羊和山羊是以草为食的草食性动物。)

5. The herbivorous dinosaurs browsed on ferns and coniferous plants. (草食性恐龙主要以蕨类植物和针叶植物为食。)

6. Koalas are herbivorous marsupials that mainly eat eucalyptus leaves. (考拉是以桉树叶为主食的草食有袋动物。)

7. Elephants are herbivorous mammals that consume a wide variety of plants. (大象是以植物为食的草食性哺乳动物,食物种类繁多。)

8. Tortoises are herbivorous reptiles that eat mainly grasses and leafy greens. (乌龟是以草和绿叶为主食的草食性爬行动物。)

9. Many insects, such as caterpillars, are herbivorous and feed on plant leaves. (许多昆虫,如毛虫,是草食性的,以植物叶片为食。)

10. Herbivorous fish in the lake feed on algae and aquatic plants. (湖中的草食性鱼类以藻类和水生植物为食。)

11. Some birds, like parrots, are herbivorous and consume seeds, fruits, and nuts. (一些鸟类,如鹦鹉,是草食性的,以种子、水果和坚果为食。)

12. The giant panda is a herbivorous bear species native to China, subsisting primarily on bamboo. (大熊猫是中国特有的草食性熊科动物,主要以竹子为食。)

13. Giraffes are herbivorous animals with long necks adapted for browsing leaves from tall trees. (长颈鹿是草食性动物,其长颈适应了从高树上吃叶子。)

14. Herbivorous animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling plant growth. (草食性动物通过控制植物生长,对维持生态系统平衡起着至关重要的作用。)

15. Some dinosaurs evolved to become large herbivores that roamed vast prehistoric landscapes. (一些恐龙进化成为大型草食动物,漫游于广阔的史前地貌上。)

These sentences provide various contexts in which the term "herbivorous" can be understood, ranging from animals to dinosaurs and even insects.

上一个 【英语】omnivorous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】insectivorous的例句



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