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时间: 2024-10-06 18:55:54



1. Comparative zootomy involves studying the anatomical differences between various animal species.(比较动物解剖学涉及研究不同动物物种之间的解剖差异。)

2. The professor specializes in the zootomy of marine mammals.(这位教授专攻海洋哺乳动物的解剖学。)

3. Zootomy provides insights into evolutionary adaptations across species.(动物解剖学为我们提供了跨物种进化适应的洞见。)

4. The textbook covers the basics of zootomy in invertebrates.(这本教科书涵盖了无脊椎动物的解剖学基础知识。)

5. Researchers use advanced imaging techniques in modern zootomy studies.(研究人员在现代动物解剖学研究中使用先进的成像技术。)

6. Understanding zootomy is essential for veterinary students.(理解动物解剖学对兽医学生至关重要。)

7. Her thesis explores the zootomy of avian species.(她的论文探讨了鸟类的解剖学。)

8. Zootomy plays a crucial role in biomedical research.(动物解剖学在生物医学研究中发挥着关键作用。)

9. The museum's collection includes specimens used for historical zootomy studies.(博物馆的藏品包括用于历史性动物解剖学研究的标本。)

10. Zootomy enables scientists to understand physiological adaptations.(动物解剖学使科学家能够理解生理适应。)

11. The course covers both macroscopic and microscopic aspects of zootomy.(该课程涵盖了动物解剖学的宏观和微观方面。)

12. Research in zootomy often involves dissection and detailed anatomical analysis.(动物解剖学的研究通常涉及解剖和详细的解剖分析。)

13. Zootomy has applications in fields ranging from paleontology to modern genetics.(动物解剖学在从古生物学到现代遗传学等领域都有应用。)

14. The professor's lecture on comparative zootomy attracted students from various disciplines.(教授关于比较动物解剖学的讲座吸引了来自各个学科的学生。)

15. Advances in technology have revolutionized the study of zootomy.(技术的进步彻底改变了动物解剖学的研究。)


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