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时间: 2024-10-07 00:49:47


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "zodiac" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animal signs.

- 十二生肖是由十二种动物组成的。

2. Her necklace featured a pendant with the zodiac sign of Leo.

- 她的项链上镶有狮子座的星座符号。

3. Astrologers believe that your zodiac sign can influence your personality.

- 占星师相信你的星座可以影响你的个性。

4. The zodiac constellations are located along the ecliptic.

- 黄道上分布着十二宫星座。

5. People born under the zodiac sign of Aries are said to be energetic and ambitious.

- 据说出生在白羊座的人充满活力和雄心壮志。

6. The zodiacal symbols are used in astrology to represent different personalities.

- 十二宫星座符号在占星学中用来代表不同的人格特质。

7. He checked his horoscope to see what the zodiac predicted for his future.

- 他查看星座运程来预测他的未来。

8. Each zodiac sign is associated with specific traits and characteristics.

- 每个星座都与特定的特质和特征相关联。

9. The zodiac dates back thousands of years in human history.

- 十二星座的历史可以追溯到数千年前。

10. She had a tattoo of her zodiac sign on her wrist.

- 她在手腕上有她的星座图案纹身。

11. According to the zodiac, this year will be favorable for career advancements.

- 根据星座,今年对事业发展将是有利的。

12. The zodiacal wheel represents the cycle of seasons and life stages.

- 十二宫星座轮代表了季节和生命阶段的循环。

13. He read books on astrology to learn more about the zodiac signs.

- 他阅读占星学的书籍,想了解更多关于十二星座的知识。

14. In Western astrology, the zodiac sign Pisces is associated with empathy and sensitivity.

- 在西方占星学中,双鱼座与同情心和敏感性相关联。

15. Many cultures have their own interpretations of the zodiac symbols.

- 许多文化都对十二星座符号有着自己的解释。


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