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时间: 2024-10-08 09:57:09


1. The politician was accused of being a demagogue, using emotional rhetoric to manipulate public opinion. (那位政治家被指控是个煽动家,利用情绪化的言辞操纵公众舆论。)

2. His speeches were filled with demagoguery, appealing to fear rather than reason. (他的演讲充满了煽动性言论,更多地是通过恐惧而非理性来吸引人。)

3. The demagogue exploited societal divisions for personal gain. (这位煽动家利用社会的分裂来谋取个人利益。)

4. She rose to power through demagogic tactics, promising quick solutions to complex problems. (她通过煽动性手段上位,承诺迅速解决复杂问题。)

5. History warns us about the dangers of demagogues who prey on people's fears and insecurities. (历史警告我们,煽动家利用人们的恐惧和不安是多么危险。)

6. The demagogue's charisma and populist messages resonated with a disillusioned electorate. (煽动家的个人魅力和民粹主义言论引起了幻灭的选民共鸣。)

7. His demagogic style alienated moderate voters who sought reasoned discourse. (他的煽动风格疏远了寻求理性辩论的温和选民。)

8. The demagogue's speeches often oversimplified complex issues, appealing to raw emotion rather than thoughtful analysis. (煽动家的演讲经常过度简化复杂问题,更多地吸引原始情绪而非深思熟虑的分析。)

9. Citizens must remain vigilant against demagogues who manipulate public sentiment for their own agendas. (公民必须警惕那些为了自己的议程而操纵公众情绪的煽动家。)

10. The demagogue capitalized on economic uncertainties to stoke populist anger. (煽动家利用经济不确定性来激起民粹主义愤怒。)

11. His demagoguery polarized the nation, deepening divisions rather than fostering unity. (他的煽动性言论使国家两极分化,加深了分歧而非促进团结。)

12. The demagogue's rise to power was marked by divisive rhetoric and appeals to nationalism. (煽动家上位的过程中充斥着分裂性言论和对民族主义的吸引。)

13. In times of crisis, demagogues often exploit public fear to consolidate their authority. (在危机时期,煽动家常常利用公众的恐惧来巩固他们的权威。)

14. The demagogue's promises of simple solutions masked the complexity of real issues. (煽动家对简单解决方案的承诺掩盖了现实问题的复杂性。)

15. It is crucial for a democracy to resist the influence of demagogues who undermine democratic norms. (对于一个民主国家来说,抵制煽动家破坏民主规范的影响至关重要。)


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