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时间: 2024-10-08 04:55:49


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "agog" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The children were agog with excitement when they heard about the surprise party. (孩子们听说惊喜派对时兴奋不已。)

2. The audience was agog as the magician performed his incredible tricks. (魔术师表演惊人的魔术时,观众非常兴奋。)

3. She was agog to hear the results of the competition. (她迫不及待地想知道比赛的结果。)

4. The town was agog with rumors of a celebrity sighting. (小镇上到处传闻有名人出现,引发了轰动。)

5. Everyone was agog at the news of the company's sudden success. (公司突然成功的消息让每个人都兴奋不已。)

6. The students were agog when the professor announced a surprise field trip. (教授宣布进行突击实地考察时,学生们都非常激动。)

7. He was agog to try out the new virtual reality headset. (他迫不及待地想试试新的虚拟现实头盔。)

8. The village was agog with preparations for the annual festival. (村庄为一年一度的节日进行了紧张的准备,到处都是热闹景象。)

9. The employees were agog when they heard about the surprise bonuses. (员工们得知意外的奖金时都非常兴奋。)

10. The fans were agog with anticipation as they waited for the band to take the stage. (粉丝们在等待乐队登台时兴奋不已。)

11. She was agog to visit the famous landmarks of the city. (她迫不及待地想参观这座城市的著名地标。)

12. The community was agog with excitement over the upcoming carnival. (社区因即将到来的嘉年华而兴奋不已。)

13. The students were agog to hear the guest speaker's inspiring story. (学生们迫不及待地想听嘉宾讲述的鼓舞人心的故事。)

14. The city was agog with preparations for the international summit. (这座城市正在为国际峰会进行紧张的准备,到处充满了忙碌的景象。)

15. He was agog with curiosity about the mysterious package left on his doorstep. (他对放在门口的神秘包裹充满了好奇心。)


上一个 【英语】pedagogue的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】agonize的例句



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