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时间: 2024-09-20 07:12:37



1. This medicine is an effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain. (这种药物对轻度到中度疼痛具有良好的止痛作用。)

2. Many over-the-counter medications contain analgesics like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. (许多非处方药包含布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚等止痛药物。)

3. The doctor prescribed a strong analgesic to manage the patient's post-operative pain. (医生开了一种强效止痛药来管理患者术后的疼痛。)

4. Heat and massage can act as natural analgesics for muscle pain. (热敷和按摩可以作为对肌肉疼痛的天然止痛方法。)

5. Some people prefer natural analgesics such as herbal remedies over conventional painkillers. (一些人更喜欢使用草药疗法等天然止痛方法,而不是传统的止痛药。)

6. The analgesic properties of the ointment provided relief from the burning sensation. (药膏的止痛特性缓解了灼热感。)

7. After the injury, he took an analgesic to dull the pain. (受伤后,他服用了一种止痛药来减轻疼痛。)

8. The dentist applied a topical analgesic to numb the area before starting the procedure. (牙医在开始治疗前涂抹了局部止痛药以麻醉该区域。)

9. Athletes often rely on analgesics to manage pain from sports injuries. (运动员经常依赖止痛药来处理运动损伤的疼痛。)

10. Herbal teas are sometimes used as mild analgesics for headaches and minor aches. (草药茶有时被用作头痛和轻微疼痛的轻度止痛药。)

11. The analgesic effect of the treatment lasted for several hours. (治疗的止痛效果持续了几个小时。)

12. He developed an allergy to certain types of analgesics, so he had to find alternative pain relief methods. (他对某些类型的止痛药物产生了过敏反应,因此不得不寻找替代的缓解疼痛的方法。)

13. Prescription analgesics should be used according to the doctor's instructions. (处方止痛药应按照医生的指示使用。)

14. The nurse administered an analgesic injection to alleviate the patient's discomfort. (护士给病人注射了一种止痛药来减轻他的不适。)

15. The analgesic effect of acupuncture can be beneficial for chronic pain management. (针灸的止痛效果对慢性疼痛管理有益。)


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