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时间: 2024-10-06 22:51:04


当然,请看以下关于 "augury" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The flight patterns of birds were considered auguries of impending weather changes. (鸟类的飞行模式被认为是即将到来的天气变化的预兆。)

2. The ancient Romans often interpreted the behavior of animals as auguries of future events. (古罗马人经常把动物的行为解释为未来事件的预兆。)

3. The dark clouds gathering over the horizon were seen as an augury of the storm to come. (天边聚集的乌云被视为即将来临的暴风雨的预兆。)

4. His unexpected success in the preliminary rounds was seen by many as an augury of greater achievements to follow. (他在初赛中意外取得的成功被许多人视为将来更大成就的预兆。)

5. The crow's cawing outside the window was seen as an augury of bad luck. (乌鸦在窗外的嘎嘎声被视为厄运的预兆。)

6. In some cultures, a rainbow is considered an augury of good fortune. (在某些文化中,彩虹被认为是好运的预兆。)

7. The howling of wolves at night was interpreted as an augury of death in many ancient societies. (夜晚狼的嗥叫在许多古代社会被解释为死亡的预兆。)

8. The sudden appearance of shooting stars was seen as an augury of significant events about to unfold. (流星的突然出现被视为即将发生重大事件的预兆。)

9. The politician's unexpected resignation was seen as an augury of political upheaval within the party. (政治家意外的辞职被视为该党内政治动荡的预兆。)

10. The full moon rising over the hills was considered an augury of romance and new beginnings. (满月升起在山丘上被视为浪漫和新开始的预兆。)

11. The sudden silence of the forest was an eerie augury of the approaching danger. (森林突然的寂静是逼近危险的不祥预兆。)

12. The elders of the tribe read the auguries in the patterns of the stars. (部落的长老们从星星的模式中推测出吉凶。)

13. The oracle interpreted the flight of the eagles as auguries of victory in the upcoming battle. (神谕解释鹰的飞行为即将到来的战斗中的胜利预兆。)

14. A black cat crossing one's path is often seen as an augury of bad luck in Western superstition. (黑猫横过某人的道路通常在西方迷信中被视为厄运的预兆。)

15. The farmer took the rain falling on the day of planting as an augury of a bountiful harvest to come. (农民把种植当天的雨水看作是即将到来的丰收的预兆。)

希望以上的例句和解释能够帮助您理解 "augury" 这个词的用法和含义!

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