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时间: 2024-10-06 18:48:57



1. The balmy breeze brought relief from the heat. (温和的微风带来了对炎热的缓解。)

2. We enjoyed a balmy evening under the stars. (我们在星光下享受了一个宜人的夜晚。)

3. She fell asleep to the balmy scent of flowers. (她在花香四溢的宁静中入睡了。)

4. The balmy weather was perfect for a picnic. (温暖的天气非常适合野餐。)

5. They spent their honeymoon in a balmy tropical paradise. (他们在一个温暖的热带天堂度过了蜜月。)

6. After the storm, a balmy calm settled over the ocean. (风暴过后,海面上笼罩着一片宁静的温和氛围。)

7. The balmy climate of the Mediterranean attracts many tourists. (地中海的温和气候吸引了许多游客。)

8. In the balmy evening air, they walked hand in hand along the beach. (在宜人的傍晚空气中,他们手牵手沿着海滩散步。)

9. The hotel garden was filled with the fragrance of balmy herbs. (酒店花园充满了芳香的香草气息。)

10. She remembered the balmy days of her childhood spent by the river. (她记得自己在河边度过的宁静美好的童年时光。)

11. The balmy climate helped the crops flourish. (温和的气候有助于作物的茁壮生长。)

12. They lounged on the balcony enjoying the balmy evening breeze. (他们靠在阳台上享受着宜人的夜晚微风。)

13. The resort offers a balmy retreat from city life. (这个度假胜地提供了一个逃离城市生活的宜人避难所。)

14. A balmy smile lit up her face as she reminisced about her youth. (她怀念起年轻时的时光,脸上露出了一个温暖的微笑。)

15. They sailed under a balmy sky, with seagulls circling overhead. (他们在宜人的天空下航行,头顶上空盘旋着海鸥。)


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