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时间: 2024-09-20 01:13:14



1. He has a rich, resonant baritone voice that fills the concert hall. (他拥有浑厚悦耳的男中音声音,充满了音乐厅。)

2. The opera singer's baritone was perfectly suited to the role of the romantic lead. (这位歌剧演唱家的男中音声音非常适合浪漫主角的角色。)

3. In choir, John sings baritone, providing a solid foundation for the harmonies. (在合唱团中,约翰担任男中音,为和声提供了坚实的基础。)

4. The baritone saxophone plays a crucial role in jazz ensembles. (男中音萨克斯管在爵士乐团中扮演着至关重要的角色。)

5. His baritone delivery of the poem captivated the audience. (他低沉的朗诵使观众为之倾倒。)

6. The baritone section of the choir sang with warmth and depth. (合唱团的男中音部分唱出了温暖而深沉的声音。)

7. She prefers the rich tones of a baritone guitar over the brighter sound of a soprano instrument. (她更喜欢男中音吉他的浑厚音色,而不是女高音乐器明亮的声音。)

8. As a baritone, he often sings roles that require a mature and authoritative voice. (作为男中音,他经常演唱需要成熟和权威声音的角色。)

9. The baritone's solo during the aria was particularly moving. (男中音在咏叹调中的独唱尤为动人。)

10. She admired his baritone voice, which added depth to their acapella group's performance. (她欣赏他的男中音声音,为他们的无伴奏合唱团表演增添了深度。)

11. The baritone singer's versatility allows him to perform a wide range of musical genres. (男中音歌手的多才多艺使他能够演唱广泛的音乐流派。)

12. He trained as a tenor but later found his true calling as a baritone. (他接受过男高音的训练,但后来发现自己更适合男中音。)

13. The baritone's voice blended beautifully with the choir's sopranos and altos. (男中音的声音与合唱团的女高音和女中音融为一体,非常美妙。)

14. His baritone rendition of the national anthem moved everyone in the stadium. (他低沉的演绎国歌感动了体育场内的每一个人。)

15. The baritone part in this quartet requires a singer with a robust and full-bodied voice. (这首四重唱中的男中音部分需要一个拥有浑厚而饱满声音的歌手。)


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