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时间: 2024-09-20 01:04:32



1. The company received a chartered status from the government. (公司获得了政府颁发的特许地位。)

2. She is a chartered accountant, licensed to practice in multiple countries. (她是一名特许会计师,有权在多个国家执业。)

3. The chartered bus will pick up passengers at the airport. (特许巴士将在机场接载乘客。)

4. He is a chartered engineer, accredited by the professional association. (他是一名特许工程师,获得专业协会的认证。)

5. They took a chartered flight to the remote island. (他们乘坐了一架特许航班去偏远的岛屿。)

6. The university offers a chartered course in business management. (该大学开设了一门特许的商业管理课程。)

7. The yacht club organized a chartered sailing trip along the coast. (游艇俱乐部组织了一次沿海的特许帆船之旅。)

8. She obtained her chartered status after passing the required exams. (她通过必要的考试后获得了她的特许地位。)

9. The chartered surveyor inspected the property before the sale. (特许测量师在出售前检查了这个房产。)

10. The chartered plane landed at the private airstrip. (特许飞机降落在私人飞机跑道上。)

11. He booked a chartered bus for the company outing. (他为公司的外出活动预定了一辆特许巴士。)

12. The chartered accountant provided financial advice to the startup. (特许会计师为这家初创公司提供了财务建议。)

13. They chartered a boat for a day of fishing on the lake. (他们租了一艘船,在湖上钓鱼了一整天。)

14. The chartered flight was delayed due to bad weather. (由于恶劣天气,特许航班延误了。)

15. After completing his training, he became a chartered physiotherapist. (完成培训后,他成为了一名特许理疗师。)


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