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时间: 2024-09-17 13:41:52


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "chromatic" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The artist used a chromatic palette to create a vibrant and dynamic painting. (艺术家使用了彩色调色板创作了一幅充满活力和动态的画作。)

2. The composer employed chromatic scales to add tension and drama to the music. (作曲家使用半音音阶为音乐增添了紧张感和戏剧性。)

3. Her dress shimmered with chromatic hues that changed with every movement. (她的裙子闪烁着每次移动都变化的彩色光泽。)

4. The stained glass window featured intricate chromatic patterns depicting scenes from ancient mythology. (彩色玻璃窗展示了复杂的描绘古代神话场景的彩色图案。)

5. The butterfly's wings displayed a beautiful chromatic spectrum as it fluttered in the sunlight. (蝴蝶在阳光下飘动时展示出美丽的彩色光谱。)

6. His chromatic vision allowed him to perceive a wider range of colors than most people. (他的色觉让他能够感知比大多数人更广泛的颜色范围。)

7. The artist's latest collection explores the use of chromatic gradients to evoke different emotional responses. (艺术家最新的作品探索了使用色彩渐变来引发不同的情感反应。)

8. The photographer captured the chromatic diversity of the cityscape at sunset. (摄影师在日落时分捕捉了城市风景的色彩多样性。)

9. The chromatic aberration in the photograph was corrected during post-processing to ensure clarity. (照片中的色差在后期处理中被修正以确保清晰度。)

10. The scientist studied the effects of chromatic variations on plant growth under different light conditions. (科学家研究了在不同光照条件下色彩变化对植物生长的影响。)

11. The novel used chromatic descriptions to vividly portray the changing seasons in the countryside. (小说运用色彩描述生动地描绘了乡村不断变化的季节。)

12. The artist experimented with chromatic contrasts to highlight the focal point of the painting. (艺术家尝试使用色彩对比来突出绘画的焦点。)

13. The singer's voice had a chromatic quality that resonated deeply with the audience. (歌手的声音具有一种能深深触动听众的色彩质感。)

14. The designer chose a chromatic theme for the interior decor, blending bold colors with subtle accents. (设计师为室内装饰选择了一个色彩主题,将大胆的颜色与细微的装饰融合在一起。)

15. The new smartphone screen boasts improved chromatic fidelity, offering more accurate color representation. (新款智能手机屏幕拥有提高的色彩保真度,提供更准确的颜色表现。)


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