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时间: 2024-10-06 18:47:43


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "irreconcilable" along with their Chinese translations:

1. Their differences in opinion were irreconcilable, leading to the dissolution of their partnership. (他们在意见上的分歧是不可调和的,导致了他们合伙关系的解散。)

2. The two cultures held irreconcilable beliefs about the nature of life. (这两种文化对于生命本质的信念是不可调和的。)

3. His commitment to pacifism and her advocacy for military intervention were irreconcilable positions. (他主张和平主义,而她主张军事干预,这是两种不可调和的立场。)

4. The irreconcilable factions within the party threatened its unity. (党内的不可调和派系威胁到了党的团结。)

5. The irreconcilable nature of their personalities made it impossible for them to get along. (由于他们性格上的不可调和,他们无法和睦相处。)

6. Their views on child-rearing were irreconcilable, causing constant arguments. (他们在养育孩子方面的观点是不可调和的,导致了经常的争吵。)

7. The irreconcilable gap between the rich and the poor was evident in every aspect of society. (富人和穷人之间不可调和的差距在社会的各个方面都是显而易见的。)

8. The irreconcilable differences between the negotiating parties led to the breakdown of talks. (谈判双方的不可调和差异导致了谈判的破裂。)

9. Despite their best efforts, the couple realized their values were irreconcilable. (尽管他们尽了最大努力,这对夫妇意识到他们的价值观是不可调和的。)

10. The irreconcilable conflict between tradition and modernity is a recurring theme in his novels. (传统与现代之间的不可调和冲突是他小说中的一个反复出现的主题。)

11. The irreconcilable demands of work and family often create stress for many people. (工作与家庭之间不可调和的要求经常会给许多人带来压力。)

12. The irreconcilable nature of their goals made collaboration impossible. (由于他们目标的不可调和性质,合作是不可能的。)

13. The irreconcilable split in public opinion over the issue paralyzed decision-making. (公众在这个问题上意见的不可调和分裂使决策陷入了瘫痪状态。)

14. The irreconcilable animosity between the two families dated back generations. (这两个家族之间的不可调和敌意可以追溯到几代人以前。)

15. The irreconcilable contradiction in his argument undermined its credibility. (他的论点中的不可调和矛盾削弱了其可信度。)


上一个 【英语】conciliatory的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】civility的例句



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