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时间: 2024-09-17 13:44:14


Certainly! "Precognition" refers to the ability to perceive or predict future events. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She experienced precognition in her dreams, often foreseeing accidents before they happened. 她在梦中有先知能力,经常能预见事故发生前的情景。

2. The novel's protagonist possessed precognition, which allowed him to anticipate his enemies' moves. 小说的主角具备先知能力,这使他能够预料敌人的行动。

3. Scientists have studied cases of apparent precognition to understand its potential implications. 科学家们研究了一些看似有先知能力的案例,以了解其潜在的影响。

4. Many ancient cultures believed in individuals who had the gift of precognition, often considering them prophets. 许多古代文化相信某些人具备先知能力,通常将他们视为先知。

5. The film explores the concept of precognition through a character who can see into the future. 电影通过一个能够预见未来的角色来探讨先知能力的概念。

6. Some argue that déjà vu experiences might be linked to subtle forms of precognition. 有些人认为,似曾相识的经历可能与某种微妙的先知能力有关。

7. The psychic claimed to have precognition about global events, though her predictions were often vague. 这位通灵者声称能够预见全球事件,尽管她的预测通常比较模糊。

8. The police investigation took a surprising turn when a witness described a moment of precognition before the crime occurred. 警方调查出现了一个意外转折,当时一名证人描述了犯罪发生前的先知体验。

9. In fiction, characters with precognition are often portrayed as having a burden of foreseeing tragic events. 在小说中,具备先知能力的角色通常被描绘为预见悲剧事件的负担。

10. The study of precognition challenges conventional scientific understanding of time and perception. 先知能力的研究挑战了传统科学对时间和感知的理解。

11. Many skeptics dismiss claims of precognition as mere coincidence or misinterpretation. 许多怀疑论者将先知能力的主张视为纯粹的巧合或误解。

12. Some cultures view precognition as a spiritual gift bestowed upon certain individuals. 一些文化将先知能力视为赋予某些人的一种精神礼物。

13. The accuracy of her precognition about stock market trends surprised even the most skeptical investors. 她对股市趋势的先知能力准确度甚至让最为怀疑的投资者感到吃惊。

14. Fictional stories often use precognition as a plot device to create suspense and intrigue. 虚构故事通常将先知能力作为情节设备,以制造悬念和引人入胜的效果。

15. The debate over the existence of precognition continues to attract both scientific and metaphysical inquiries. 对于先知能力存在与否的辩论继续吸引着科学和形而上学的探讨。


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