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时间: 2024-09-17 13:33:28


Certainly! "Cornet" 可以指多种事物,以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. He played a beautiful melody on his cornet during the concert.(在音乐会上,他用他的小号演奏了一段美妙的旋律。)

2. The chef used a cornet to carefully pipe icing onto the cake.(厨师用一个小喷嘴将糖霜精细地挤在蛋糕上。)

3. She enjoys reading historical novels set during the Civil War era, like "The Cornet Player's Story".(她喜欢阅读描写南北战争时期的历史小说,比如《小号手的故事》。)

4. The cornet of the moon shone brightly over the lake.(月亮的弯月在湖面上闪耀。)

5. The cornet of the new building stood tall against the skyline.(新建筑的尖顶在天际线上显得格外高耸。)

6. He had a cornet of fries with his burger for lunch.(他午餐时搭配汉堡吃了一份薯条。)

7. The artist used a cornet to add fine details to the painting.(艺术家用小笔在画作上增添了精细的细节。)

8. The cornet of the mountain was covered in mist at dawn.(山峰的尖顶在黎明时分被薄雾笼罩着。)

9. She wore a cornet of flowers in her hair for the wedding.(她在婚礼上头发上戴了一朵花冠。)

10. The old church had a beautiful cornet atop its tower.(老教堂的塔顶有一个美丽的尖顶。)

11. He won first place in the cornet section of the music competition.(他在音乐比赛的小号部分获得了第一名。)

12. The cornet of the sailboat glistened in the sunlight.(帆船的桅顶在阳光下闪闪发光。)

13. The little girl was delighted to receive a cornet of ice cream on a hot summer day.(小女孩在炎热的夏天很高兴地接过一份冰淇淋蛋卷。)

14. The cornet of the tent flapped in the wind as they set it up for camping.(帐篷的尖顶在他们搭建时随风摇摆。)

15. He wrote his name in elegant script with a cornet of ink.(他用笔的尖端写下了他优雅的签名。)


上一个 【英语】unicorn的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】cornucopia的例句



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