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时间: 2024-10-06 18:50:26


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "dexterous" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She was a dexterous pianist, effortlessly playing complex compositions. (她是一位灵巧的钢琴家,毫不费力地演奏复杂的作品。)

2. The chef's dexterous hands swiftly prepared the elaborate meal. (厨师灵巧的双手迅速准备了精致的餐点。)

3. His dexterous handling of the situation saved the project from disaster. (他灵巧地处理了局面,使项目免于灾难。)

4. The dancer's dexterous movements captivated the audience. (舞者灵巧的动作迷住了观众。)

5. The surgeon's dexterous skills ensured a successful operation. (外科医生灵巧的技能确保手术成功。)

6. She proved herself to be dexterous in handling difficult clients. (她证明自己能够灵巧地处理难缠的客户。)

7. The dexterous craftsmanship of the jewelry maker was evident in every piece. (珠宝制作者的灵巧手艺在每一件作品中都显而易见。)

8. He was known for his dexterous ability to solve complex puzzles. (他以解决复杂难题的灵巧能力而闻名。)

9. The artist's dexterous brush strokes brought the painting to life. (艺术家灵巧的笔触使得画作生动起来。)

10. The gymnast displayed dexterous agility during her routine. (体操运动员在例行赛中展示了灵巧的敏捷。)

11. The engineer's dexterous manipulation of the machine impressed his colleagues. (工程师对机器的灵巧操作给他的同事留下了深刻印象。)

12. His dexterous negotiation skills secured a favorable contract for the company. (他灵巧的谈判技巧为公司争取到了一份有利的合同。)

13. The acrobat's dexterous balance amazed the audience. (杂技演员灵巧的平衡术让观众惊叹不已。)

14. The tailor's dexterous fingers sewed intricate patterns into the fabric. (裁缝灵巧的手指将精致的图案缝入布料中。)

15. His dexterous handling of the car in difficult terrain demonstrated his driving skills. (他在复杂地形中灵巧地驾驶汽车展示了他的驾驶技术。)


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