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时间: 2024-09-21 10:50:30


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "meridian," each followed by a Chinese explanation:

1. The sun was directly overhead at noon, marking the meridian of the day.

- 太阳正午时分正好在头顶上方,标志着一天的中午时刻的子午线。

2. The Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, England.

- 零度经线经过英国的格林威治。

3. The city lies on the eastern meridian.

- 这座城市位于东经线上。

4. She felt that she had reached the meridian of her career.

- 她感觉自己已经达到了事业的顶峰。

5. The meridian of Paris is also known as the Paris meridian.

- 巴黎的子午线也称为巴黎经线。

6. The church spire pointed directly along the north-south meridian.

- 教堂尖顶直指南北方向的子午线。

7. By midday, we had reached the meridian of our journey.

- 中午时分,我们已经到达了旅途的中途点。

8. The concept of the meridian has practical applications in navigation.

- 子午线的概念在导航中有实际的应用。

9. His speech reached its meridian when he addressed the crowd.

- 他的演讲在向人群讲话时达到了顶峰。

10. The artist's career reached its meridian with that masterpiece.

- 艺术家的事业在那件杰作面前达到了顶峰。

11. The meridian divides the earth into two hemispheres.

- 子午线将地球分成了两个半球。

12. The ancient astronomers studied the movement of stars along the meridian.

- 古代天文学家研究星星沿着子午线的运动。

13. He lived through the meridian of the 20th century.

- 他经历了20世纪的鼎盛时期。

14. They reached a philosophical meridian in their discussion.

- 他们在讨论中达到了一种哲学上的顶峰。

15. Understanding this theorem is the meridian of success in this field.

- 理解这个定理是在这个领域取得成功的关键所在。

上一个 【英语】dextral的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】antemeridian的例句



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