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时间: 2024-09-20 14:19:30



1. Her indolence prevented her from completing her assignments on time.(她的懒惰导致她不能按时完成作业。)

2. He lounged in indolence all afternoon, refusing to do anything productive.(他整个下午都懒散地躺着,拒绝做任何有意义的事情。)

3. The company suffered due to the manager's indolence in addressing critical issues.(由于经理处理关键问题的懒惰,公司遭受了损失。)

4. The town's economy stagnated under the weight of collective indolence.(该市的经济因为群体的懒惰而停滞不前。)

5. She realized her indolence was holding her back from achieving her goals.(她意识到自己的懒惰阻碍了她实现目标。)

6. Indolence often leads to missed opportunities and regrets later in life.(懒惰常常导致人生中的错失和后悔。)

7. The student's indolence was evident in his consistently late submissions.(学生的懒惰表现在他经常迟交作业。)

8. Overcoming indolence requires strong self-discipline and motivation.(克服懒惰需要强大的自律和动力。)

9. The indolence of the government officials exacerbated the crisis.(政府官员的懒惰加剧了危机。)

10. Indolence is often mistaken for a lack of ambition.(懒惰常常被误认为是缺乏抱负。)

11. His indolence resulted in missed opportunities for career advancement.(他的懒惰导致错失了职业发展的机会。)

12. The team's indolence in preparing for the competition cost them victory.(团队在为比赛做准备时的懒散使他们失去了胜利。)

13. Indolence can be a temporary phase if addressed promptly.(如果及时解决,懒惰可以是一个暂时的阶段。)

14. The artist's indolence showed in the lack of new work over the past year.(艺术家在过去一年里没有新作品,显示了他的懒惰。)

15. She vowed to overcome her indolence and start working towards her dreams.(她发誓要克服自己的懒惰,开始朝着梦想努力。)


上一个 【英语】condole的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】domesticate的例句



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