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时间: 2024-10-06 19:52:31


Certainly! "Aerodrome" 是指飞机场或飞行场。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The aerodrome was bustling with activity as planes arrived and departed throughout the day.(飞机场整天忙碌,飞机来来往往。)

2. The pilot received clearance to land at the aerodrome after a long flight.(飞行员在长途飞行后获得了降落飞机场的许可。)

3. The aerodrome had modern facilities for refueling and maintenance.(飞机场设有现代化的加油和维护设施。)

4. Local residents complained about the noise from aircraft taking off from the aerodrome early in the morning.(当地居民抱怨早上飞机起飞时的噪音。)

5. The aerodrome was strategically located to serve both domestic and international flights.(飞机场地理位置战略,可服务国内和国际航班。)

6. The new aerodrome terminal was designed to accommodate increasing passenger traffic.(新的飞机场航站楼设计可容纳不断增加的乘客流量。)

7. The aerodrome's runway was undergoing repairs, causing delays for incoming flights.(飞机场的跑道正在进行维修,导致进港航班延误。)

8. An airshow was held at the aerodrome to celebrate its anniversary.(飞机场举办了一场航空展览来庆祝其周年纪念。)

9. The aerodrome's control tower communicated with pilots to ensure safe takeoffs and landings.(飞机场的控制塔与飞行员通信,确保安全的起飞和降落。)

10. The aerodrome's location near the coast made it ideal for emergency search and rescue operations.(飞机场靠近海岸,非常适合紧急搜索和救援行动。)

11. The military aerodrome was heavily guarded to protect sensitive operations.(军用飞机场设有严密的防护,以保护敏感的作战行动。)

12. Pilots were instructed to circle above the aerodrome until weather conditions improved.(飞行员被指示在飞机场上空盘旋,直到天气条件改善。)

13. The aerodrome's perimeter was fenced off to prevent unauthorized access.(飞机场的周边设有围栏,以防止未经授权的进入。)

14. A vintage aircraft was displayed at the aerodrome museum, showcasing the history of aviation.(飞机场博物馆展出了一架老式飞机,展示航空历史。)

15. Local businesses benefited from the increased tourism brought by the nearby aerodrome.(当地企业从附近飞机场带来的增加的旅游业受益。)


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