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时间: 2024-09-29 00:46:48



1. The extremity of the mountain range is known for its harsh weather conditions.

- 这座山脉的极端地区以恶劣的天气条件而闻名。

2. He suffered severe pain in the extremity of his leg after the accident.

- 事故后,他感到腿部末端剧烈疼痛。

3. The extremity of her endurance was tested during the marathon.

- 她的耐力极限在马拉松比赛中得到了检验。

4. In extreme cases, frostbite can affect the extremities of the body.

- 在极端情况下,冻伤可能会影响身体的末端部位。

5. The extremity of the river forms a natural border between the two countries.

- 这条河流的末端形成了两个国家之间的自然边界。

6. She reached the extremity of her patience when dealing with the repeated delays.

- 在处理重复的延误时,她的耐心达到了极限。

7. The extremity of his financial troubles led him to seek help from charities.

- 他经济困境的极端程度使他不得不寻求慈善机构的帮助。

8. The extremity of the new technology is still under research and development.

- 新技术的极端应用仍在研究和开发中。

9. The extremities of the human body, such as hands and feet, are crucial for daily activities.

- 人体的末端部位,如手和脚,对日常活动至关重要。

10. He looked out from the extremity of the cliff, enjoying the breathtaking view.

- 他从悬崖的末端往外看,欣赏那令人叹为观止的风景。

11. The extremity of the empire was marked by ancient stone pillars.

- 帝国的边界由古老的石柱标记。

12. The extremity of her emotional state was evident after receiving the news.

- 接到消息后,她的情绪极端状态显而易见。

13. In anatomy, extremity refers to the hands and feet of the human body.

- 在解剖学中,末端指的是人体的手和脚。

14. The extremity of the situation required immediate action to prevent further damage.

- 情况的极端性要求立即采取行动以防止进一步的损害。

15. The extremity of his enthusiasm for the project was evident in his detailed plans.

- 他对这个项目的热情极限从他详细的计划中可见一斑。


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