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时间: 2024-09-20 08:31:40


Certainly! "Deflate" can mean to release air or reduce in size or importance. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The balloon began to deflate slowly after the party. (气球在聚会结束后开始缓慢地放气。)

2. The economic measures were intended to deflate inflation. (经济措施旨在抑制通货膨胀。)

3. She tried to deflate his ego with a few well-chosen words. (她用几句巧妙的话语来打击他的自尊心。)

4. The tire deflated overnight due to a small puncture. (轮胎因为小孔而在夜间放了气。)

5. His optimism was deflated by the disappointing news. (令人失望的消息打击了他的乐观情绪。)

6. The team's morale was deflated after their third consecutive loss. (球队在连续第三次失利后士气低落。)

7. He tried to deflate the tension in the room with a joke. (他试图通过讲笑话来缓解房间里的紧张气氛。)

8. The government's efforts to deflate the housing bubble were unsuccessful. (政府为抑制房地产泡沫所做的努力未能成功。)

9. The scandal had a deflating effect on public confidence in the company. (丑闻对公众对公司的信心产生了负面影响。)

10. They used a pump to deflate the inflatable mattress before packing it away. (他们用泵把充气床垫放气后再收起来。)

11. His argument was designed to deflate her argument. (他的论点旨在驳倒她的论点。)

12. Inflation was successfully deflated by the central bank's policies. (通货膨胀被中央银行的政策成功抑制。)

13. The comedian deflated the tension in the room with his humorous routine. (喜剧演员通过幽默的表演来缓解房间里的紧张气氛。)

14. They couldn't deflate his enthusiasm for the project despite setbacks. (尽管遇到挫折,他对这个项目的热情始终不减。)

15. The coach's halftime speech deflated the team's spirits even further. (教练在中场休息时的讲话进一步打击了球队的士气。)


上一个 【英语】inflate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】deflation的例句



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