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时间: 2024-10-06 18:52:47


1. Endogamy refers to the practice of marrying within one's own social, cultural, or ethnic group, rather than outside of it.(内婚是指与自己社会、文化或种族群体内的人结婚的做法,而不是外部的。)

2. In some communities, endogamy is strictly observed to preserve cultural traditions and family lineage.(在某些社区中,严格遵守内婚制度以保持文化传统和家族血统。)

3. The royal family's endogamous practices were aimed at maintaining purity of lineage and power within the dynasty.(王室内婚的做法旨在维持王室血统的纯洁性和王朝内的权力。)

4. Religious endogamy is common among certain groups where marriage partners are chosen based on shared religious beliefs.(在某些团体中,宗教内婚很普遍,婚姻伴侣是基于共同的宗教信仰选择的。)

5. The community's endogamous tendencies have led to a tightly-knit social structure with distinct cultural practices.(社区内婚的倾向导致了一个紧密结合的社会结构,具有独特的文化实践。)

6. Endogamy can sometimes restrict individuals' choices in marriage partners to a narrow pool of eligible candidates within their own group.(内婚有时会限制个人在婚姻伴侣选择上的范围,只能从自己群体内符合条件的候选人中选择。)

7. The tribe practiced strict endogamy to maintain control over land ownership and communal resources.(该部落实行严格的内婚制度,以维持对土地所有权和公共资源的控制。)

8. Endogamy has been linked to the preservation of genetic traits and familial wealth among certain aristocratic families.(内婚与在某些贵族家族中保持遗传特征和家族财富有关。)

9. Cultural endogamy can reinforce group identity and solidarity among members of a community.(文化内婚可以加强社区成员之间的群体认同感和团结力。)

10. The practice of endogamy has evolved over centuries, adapting to changing social and political landscapes.(内婚的实践经过几个世纪的演变,适应了不断变化的社会和政治环境。)

11. Endogamy is often a subject of debate among sociologists studying marriage patterns and social integration.(内婚经常是社会学家研究婚姻模式和社会融合的讨论课题。)

12. The village elders advocated for endogamy to maintain cultural continuity and traditional practices.(村里的长者们主张内婚以保持文化的连续性和传统的实践。)

13. Endogamy can sometimes lead to tensions between different groups within a society, particularly when intergroup marriages are discouraged.(内婚有时会导致社会内不同群体之间的紧张关系,特别是在不鼓励跨群体婚姻的情况下。)

14. Economic factors can influence the prevalence of endogamy within a community, particularly in agrarian societies where land ownership is a key determinant.(经济因素可以影响社区内婚的普及程度,特别是在土地所有权是关键决定因素的农业社会中。)

15. The government's policies on endogamy have shifted over time, reflecting broader changes in societal norms and values.(政府对内婚的政策随时间变化,反映了社会规范和价值观的广泛变化。)

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