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时间: 2024-10-07 02:44:04


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "germinate," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Seeds need warmth and moisture to germinate properly.

- 种子需要温暖和湿气才能正确发芽。

2. After a few days, tiny green shoots began to germinate from the soil.

- 几天后,从土壤中开始长出小小的绿芽。

3. The idea for his novel started to germinate during his travels abroad.

- 他小说的构思在他的海外旅行中开始萌发。

4. It can take anywhere from a few days to weeks for seeds to germinate.

- 种子发芽可能需要几天到几周的时间。

5. The scientist observed how different factors affect the germination process.

- 科学家观察了不同因素如何影响发芽过程。

6. Farmers wait anxiously for the seeds to germinate after planting.

- 农民在播种后焦急地等待种子的发芽。

7. Proper soil pH is crucial for seed germination.

- 适当的土壤 pH 值对种子的发芽至关重要。

8. The economic ideas that germinated in the early 20th century changed global finance.

- 20 世纪初萌发的经济理念改变了全球金融。

9. Education is the key to germinating new ideas in young minds.

- 教育是在年轻人头脑中萌发新思想的关键。

10. His interest in art slowly germinated into a passion for painting.

- 他对艺术的兴趣慢慢发展成了对绘画的热情。

11. The policy changes were intended to germinate innovation in the industry.

- 这些政策变动旨在在该行业中激发创新。

12. These conditions are ideal for seeds to germinate quickly.

- 这些条件非常适合种子快速发芽。

13. Without water, the seeds will not germinate.

- 没有水,种子就无法发芽。

14. The first signs of spring are when flowers begin to germinate.

- 春天来临的第一个迹象是花朵开始发芽。

15. Patience is required while waiting for ideas to germinate into fully-formed plans.

- 等待思想成熟为完整计划需要耐心。


上一个 【英语】germane的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】glacial的例句



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