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时间: 2024-10-07 02:43:34



1. She has been my idol since I was a child. (她从我小的时候起就是我的偶像。)

2. Teenagers often have idols in the entertainment industry. (青少年经常在娱乐行业中有偶像。)

3. The actor became an idol overnight after his breakout role. (这位演员因为一次突破性的角色一夜之间成为偶像。)

4. My idol inspired me to pursue my dreams fearlessly. (我的偶像激励我无畏地追求梦想。)

5. She had posters of her idols plastered all over her bedroom walls. (她的卧室墙上贴满了她的偶像的海报。)

6. The athlete is regarded as an idol by aspiring young players. (这位运动员被年轻有抱负的选手们视为偶像。)

7. Fans traveled from all over the country to see their idol perform live. (粉丝们从全国各地赶来看他们的偶像现场表演。)

8. Meeting her idol in person was a dream come true. (与她的偶像亲自见面是梦想成真。)

9. He idolizes his older brother and wants to be just like him. (他崇拜他的哥哥,想要像他一样。)

10. Her idol's autobiography revealed the struggles behind their success. (她的偶像的自传揭示了他们成功背后的艰辛。)

11. The singer's fans voted her as their ultimate idol. (歌手的粉丝们选她为他们的终极偶像。)

12. Some people find it unhealthy to idolize celebrities too much. (有些人认为过度崇拜名人是不健康的。)

13. His idol's advice guided him through difficult times. (他的偶像的建议在他困难时期指引了他。)

14. The actress was the idol of an entire generation. (这位女演员是整个一代人的偶像。)

15. Fans created fan clubs dedicated to their idol. (粉丝们成立了专门致力于他们偶像的粉丝俱乐部。)


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