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时间: 2024-10-06 22:45:13



1. The cult practiced idolatrous rituals in secret caves.

- 那个宗教团体在秘密洞穴里进行了崇拜偶像的仪式。

2. The ancient tribes were known for their idolatrous practices.

- 这些古部落以其崇拜偶像的习俗而闻名。

3. They condemned the idolatrous worship of false gods.

- 他们谴责那些崇拜虚假神灵的偶像崇拜。

4. The new law aimed to eliminate idolatrous practices from public life.

- 这项新法旨在从公共生活中根除偶像崇拜的习俗。

5. The prophets warned against the allure of idolatrous temptations.

- 先知们警告人们不要陷入偶像崇拜的诱惑之中。

6. Idolatrous rites were often performed at night.

- 偶像崇拜的仪式通常在夜间进行。

7. The king's idolatrous actions angered the priests.

- 国王的偶像崇拜行为激怒了祭司们。

8. The community rejected the idolatrous practices of their ancestors.

- 社区否定了他们祖先的偶像崇拜习俗。

9. Historians documented the decline of idolatrous worship over time.

- 历史学家记录了偶像崇拜随时间推移而衰落的过程。

10. The idolatrous statues were destroyed during the revolution.

- 革命期间毁坏了偶像崇拜的雕像。

11. He struggled with the temptation to return to idolatrous beliefs.

- 他在战斗中,试图克服回归偶像崇拜的诱惑。

12. Idolatrous practices were outlawed under the new regime.

- 在新政权下,偶像崇拜的实践被禁止了。

13. She was raised in a family that rejected idolatrous traditions.

- 她成长在一个拒绝偶像崇拜传统的家庭里。

14. The idolatrous rituals were considered sacrilegious by the mainstream religion.

- 主流宗教认为偶像崇拜的仪式是亵渎的。

15. Despite the ban, some still secretly practiced idolatrous rites.

- 尽管被禁止,仍有些人秘密进行偶像崇拜的仪式。

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