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时间: 2024-10-06 18:55:34



1. She has a highly imaginative mind, always coming up with creative solutions to problems. (她思维高度富有想象力,总是能提出创意解决方案。)

2. The author's imaginative descriptions painted vivid pictures in the reader's mind. (作者富有想象力的描述在读者脑海中勾勒出生动的画面。)

3. Children often have incredibly imaginative ideas when they play pretend. (孩子们在玩假装的时候通常会有非常富有想象力的想法。)

4. The imaginative use of color in the painting created a striking visual impact. (绘画中对颜色的富有想象力的运用营造出令人瞩目的视觉冲击。)

5. His imaginative storytelling kept the audience captivated throughout the entire performance. (他富有想象力的讲故事能力让观众在整场表演中都着迷。)

6. The company's marketing campaign was praised for its imaginative approach to reaching new customers. (公司的营销活动因其富有想象力的方法来吸引新客户而受到赞扬。)

7. The science fiction novel was lauded for its imaginative portrayal of future technology. (这部科幻小说因其对未来科技富有想象力的描绘而受到赞扬。)

8. Her imaginative flair transformed the plain room into a magical space. (她富有想象力的才华将普通的房间变成了一个神奇的空间。)

9. The architect's imaginative design integrated modern aesthetics with traditional elements beautifully. (建筑师富有想象力的设计将现代美学与传统元素巧妙地融合在一起。)

10. The film's imaginative cinematography brought the fantastical world to life on screen. (电影富有想象力的摄影技术让幻想的世界在银幕上栩栩如生。)

11. His imaginative playwriting earned him recognition as a rising star in theater. (他富有想象力的剧本写作使他被认可为戏剧界的新星。)

12. The chef's imaginative use of ingredients resulted in a unique and delicious dish. (厨师对食材富有想象力的运用创造出了一道独特而美味的菜肴。)

13. The imaginative costumes in the play transported the audience to a different era. (戏剧中富有想象力的服装把观众带到了一个不同的时代。)

14. Her imaginative interpretation of the music added new dimensions to the composer's work. (她对音乐富有想象力的诠释为作曲家的作品增添了新的层次。)

15. The artist's imaginative sculptures challenged traditional concepts of form and space. (艺术家富有想象力的雕塑挑战了传统的形式和空间观念。)


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