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时间: 2024-10-07 00:47:40


Certainly! "Ablactate" means to wean off breastfeeding or to withdraw gradually from something. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The pediatrician advised the mother to ablactate her baby gradually over the next month.


2. It's important to ablactate puppies onto solid food when they reach a certain age.


3. She decided to ablactate herself from social media by deleting her accounts.


4. The doctor recommended a plan to ablactate the patient from the strong pain medications.


5. The country aimed to ablactate itself from dependence on foreign oil by investing in renewable energy sources.


6. It's important to ablactate children from excessive screen time to promote healthier habits.


7. The trainer had to ablactate the dolphin calf from its mother to begin training sessions.


8. The government initiated a program to ablactate farmers from traditional farming practices towards more sustainable methods.


9. The therapist helped the patient ablactate from negative thought patterns using cognitive behavioral techniques.


10. It's challenging for some parents to ablactate their toddlers from pacifiers.


11. The company aimed to ablactate itself from reliance on single-source suppliers for its materials.


12. The therapist worked with the patient to ablactate her from unhealthy coping mechanisms.


13. They decided to ablactate their son from his dependency on financial support by encouraging him to find a job.


14. The coach's goal was to ablactate the team from relying solely on individual talent to develop a more cohesive playing style.


15. After years of therapy, she finally ablactated herself from the trauma of her childhood experiences.


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