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时间: 2024-10-06 20:51:52



1. The old factory languished for years before it was finally demolished. (这座老工厂多年来一直处于荒废状态,最终被拆除。)

2. She languished in jail for months before her trial began. (她在监狱里度过了几个月的时间,直到开始审判。)

3. The garden languished without water during the drought. (在干旱期间,花园因缺水而凋谢。)

4. The team languished at the bottom of the league table all season. (整个赛季,这支球队在联赛积分榜的底部苦苦挣扎。)

5. The patient languished in bed, too weak to sit up. (病人虚弱无力,躺在床上。)

6. Despite his talents, he languished in obscurity for most of his career. (尽管才华横溢,他在职业生涯的大部分时间里默默无闻。)

7. The neglected building languished in disrepair for decades. (这座被忽视的建筑几十年来一直破败不堪。)

8. The novel languished unpublished in a drawer for years. (这部小说多年来一直未被出版,存放在抽屉里。)

9. Without proper funding, the project will languish and fail. (如果缺乏适当的资金支持,这个项目将会停滞不前并且失败。)

10. The prisoner languished in solitary confinement for months. (囚犯被单独关押多个月。)

11. The town languished under oppressive economic conditions. (小镇在压抑的经济环境下苦苦挣扎。)

12. Her dreams of becoming an artist languished as she pursued a more practical career. (在追求更实际的职业生涯时,她成为艺术家的梦想搁置了。)

13. The sports car languished in the garage, rarely driven. (这辆跑车在车库里荒废了,很少开动。)

14. The manuscript languished on the editor's desk for months. (这份手稿在编辑的桌子上闲置了好几个月。)

15. The proposal languished in bureaucratic limbo for over a year. (这项提案在官僚主义的泥潭中停滞了一年多时间。)


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