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时间: 2024-09-18 12:04:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "paralysis" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His fear of failure led to a paralysis of action.

- 他对失败的恐惧导致了行动的瘫痪。

2. The country's economy suffered from analysis paralysis as leaders debated endlessly.

- 在领导人无休止地辩论之际,该国经济陷入了分析瘫痪状态。

3. She felt a sudden paralysis of her muscles when faced with the dangerous situation.

- 当面对危险情况时,她感到肌肉突然麻痹。

4. The paralysis of traffic in the city was caused by a major accident on the highway.

- 城市交通瘫痪是由高速公路上的重大事故引起的。

5. After the stroke, he experienced partial paralysis of his left arm.

- 中风后,他的左臂部分瘫痪了。

6. The fear of public speaking often leads to mental paralysis for many people.

- 对公众演讲的恐惧常常导致许多人的精神瘫痪。

7. The paralysis of the government's decision-making process delayed much-needed reforms.

- 政府决策过程的瘫痪延迟了急需的改革。

8. Overthinking can lead to a paralysis of creativity.

- 过度思考可能导致创造力的瘫痪。

9. The paralysis caused by the venom of the snake spread quickly through his body.

- 蛇毒引起的瘫痪迅速蔓延到他的身体。

10. Her emotional paralysis prevented her from forming new relationships.

- 她的情感瘫痪使她无法建立新的关系。

11. They were in a state of analysis paralysis, unable to decide on a course of action.

- 他们陷入了分析瘫痪状态,无法决定行动方向。

12. The economic paralysis caused by the pandemic led to widespread unemployment.

- 疫情引起的经济瘫痪导致了大规模失业。

13. The paralysis of one side of his face was a symptom of Bell's palsy.

- 他脸部一侧的瘫痪是贝尔氏面瘫的症状之一。

14. The political paralysis in the country prevented any meaningful reforms from taking place.

- 国家政治瘫痪阻碍了任何有意义的改革的实施。

15. The paralysis of the negotiations meant that no agreement was reached before the deadline.

- 谈判的瘫痪意味着在截止日期之前没有达成协议。


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