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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "militate" with Chinese translations:

1. The high cost of living in the city militates against young families moving there. (城市高昂的生活成本对年轻家庭的迁入构成阻碍。)

2. His lack of experience militates against him getting the job. (他缺乏经验使得他很难得到这份工作。)

3. The weather conditions militated against a successful outdoor event. (天气状况不利于户外活动的顺利进行。)

4. The outdated equipment militated against their chances of winning the competition. (过时的设备影响了他们赢得比赛的机会。)

5. His criminal record will militate against him in the job interview. (他的犯罪记录将在面试中对他不利。)

6. The lack of funding militates against the school's ability to provide quality education. (资金不足影响了学校提供优质教育的能力。)

7. Legal restrictions on imports have militated against the growth of the industry. (对进口的法律限制阻碍了这个行业的增长。)

8. The complexity of the issue militates against a quick resolution. (问题的复杂性阻碍了快速解决。)

9. Cultural differences can militate against effective communication between teams. (文化差异可能阻碍团队间的有效沟通。)

10. Poor infrastructure militates against economic development in rural areas. (基础设施不完善阻碍了农村地区的经济发展。)

11. His shy demeanor militates against his chances of making friends easily. (他害羞的态度使得他很难轻松地交到朋友。)

12. The company's reputation for poor customer service militates against its efforts to attract new clients. (公司因客户服务差而声誉不佳,这影响了吸引新客户的努力。)

13. Political instability can militate against foreign investment in a country. (政治不稳定可能影响外国对该国的投资。)

14. Age discrimination can militate against older workers seeking employment opportunities. (年龄歧视可能影响老年工作者寻找就业机会。)

15. The team's lack of coordination militated against their chances of winning the championship. (团队缺乏协调阻碍了他们赢得冠军的机会。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "militate" is used to indicate something that acts as a hindrance, obstacle, or disadvantage.

上一个 【英语】militia的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】demilitarize的例句



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