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时间: 2024-09-20 01:05:06


Certainly! "Extramural" refers to activities or events that occur outside the walls or boundaries, especially of an institution like a school or university. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Extramural activities are an integral part of our curriculum, promoting teamwork and leadership skills.

- 课外活动是我们课程的重要组成部分,有助于培养团队合作和领导能力。

2. She participated in extramural sports competitions to stay active outside of school hours.

- 她参加了课外体育比赛,以保持在课余时间的活跃状态。

3. The university organizes extramural lectures and workshops open to the public.

- 大学组织了对公众开放的课外讲座和研讨会。

4. Extramural research collaborations often lead to innovative discoveries and breakthroughs.

- 课外研究合作往往会带来创新的发现和突破。

5. They offer extramural language classes for those interested in learning a new language.

- 他们提供课外语言课程,适合有兴趣学习新语言的人。

6. Extramural grants support projects conducted by researchers outside of their primary institution.

- 课外资助支持研究人员在其主要机构以外开展的项目。

7. Students in extramural programs often have the flexibility to balance work and study.

- 参加课外项目的学生通常可以灵活平衡工作与学习。

8. The company encourages extramural learning through seminars and online courses.

- 公司通过研讨会和在线课程鼓励课外学习。

9. Extramural events like conferences and symposiums provide networking opportunities for professionals.

- 像会议和座谈会这样的课外活动为专业人士提供了交流机会。

10. Extramural studies allow students to explore subjects beyond their regular curriculum.

- 课外学习使学生可以探索超出常规课程范围的学科。

11. The professor was invited to give an extramural lecture at a prestigious institution abroad.

- 教授受邀在国外一所著名机构发表课外讲座。

12. Extramural education programs cater to adults seeking further professional development.

- 课外教育项目面向希望进一步职业发展的成年人。

13. He received recognition for his contributions to extramural community service initiatives.

- 他因为对课外社区服务倡议的贡献而受到表彰。

14. Extramural courses in photography are popular among hobbyists and aspiring professionals.

- 摄影课程在业余爱好者和有抱负的专业人士中很受欢迎。

15. The museum hosts extramural art exhibitions featuring local and international artists.

- 博物馆举办了展示本地和国际艺术家作品的课外艺术展览。


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