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时间: 2024-09-10 05:56:39



1. The army's strategy was designed to annihilate the enemy forces.

- 这支军队的策略旨在消灭敌军力量。

2. The meteor impact could potentially annihilate all forms of life on Earth.

- 流星撞击可能会彻底消灭地球上的所有生命形式。

3. Her criticisms of the project seemed to annihilate any chance of success.

- 她对项目的批评似乎彻底摧毁了成功的任何可能性。

4. The virus had the capacity to annihilate entire populations if left unchecked.

- 如果不加以控制,这种病毒有能力消灭整个种群。

5. The team’s performance was so poor that it seemed to annihilate their chances of winning the championship.

- 该队的表现非常糟糕,以至于看起来彻底摧毁了赢得冠军的机会。

6. The film’s plot was meant to annihilate any lingering doubts about the main character’s intentions.

- 这部电影的情节旨在消除对主角意图的任何疑虑。

7. The powerful explosion could annihilate everything within a one-mile radius.

- 强大的爆炸可能会摧毁一英里半径内的一切。

8. The athlete’s record-breaking performance seemed to annihilate previous achievements.

- 运动员破纪录的表现似乎彻底消除了之前的成就。

9. The new law was designed to annihilate corruption within the government.

- 新法案旨在消灭政府中的腐败现象。

10. The ancient civilization was annihilated by a combination of natural disasters and invasions.

- 古代文明因自然灾害和入侵的结合而被彻底摧毁。

11. In the debate, her arguments seemed to annihilate all of her opponent's points.

- 在辩论中,她的论点似乎完全摧毁了对手的所有观点。

12. The team worked to annihilate any remaining evidence of the crime.

- 队伍致力于消灭犯罪的所有剩余证据。

13. The sudden collapse of the building was so intense that it seemed to annihilate everything around it.

- 建筑的突然倒塌如此猛烈,仿佛摧毁了周围的一切。

14. The scientist’s new theory could potentially annihilate long-held beliefs in the field.

- 这位科学家的新理论可能会彻底颠覆该领域长期以来的信念。

15. The firestorm was so devastating that it appeared to annihilate entire neighborhoods.

- 火风暴的破坏力如此巨大,似乎摧毁了整个社区。


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