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时间: 2024-09-29 02:51:16



1. The show is a clever parody of daytime talk shows. (这个节目巧妙地模仿了日间谈话节目。)

2. The movie is a hilarious parody of spy thrillers. (这部电影是间谍惊悚片的一个搞笑模仿。)

3. She wrote a parody of the popular song, changing the lyrics to make fun of the original. (她写了一首流行歌曲的恶搞版本,改变歌词以嘲笑原版。)

4. The comedian's skit was a biting parody of political figures. (这位喜剧演员的小品是对政治人物的尖锐模仿。)

5. The novel is a parody of the classic fairy tale, with a modern twist. (这部小说是对经典童话的模仿,加入了现代元素。)

6. The artist created a parody of famous paintings, adding humorous elements. (这位艺术家创作了对著名绘画作品的恶搞,加入了幽默元素。)

7. The play is a parody of Shakespearean tragedy, set in a contemporary high school. (这部剧本是对莎士比亚悲剧的模仿,背景设定在现代高中。)

8. The cartoon is a clever parody of current events, with exaggerated characters. (这部动画片是对当前事件的巧妙模仿,角色夸张幽默。)

9. They performed a parody of famous dance routines, adding their own comedic twist. (他们表演了对著名舞蹈动作的恶搞,加入了自己的喜剧性变化。)

10. The comedy sketch was a good-natured parody of office life. (这个喜剧短剧是对办公室生活的友好模仿。)

11. The band's song was a parody of pop music clichés. (这支乐队的歌曲是对流行音乐俗套的恶搞。)

12. The satirical magazine published a parody of a famous politician's memoir. (这本讽刺杂志发表了对一位著名政治家回忆录的模仿。)

13. The TV show's skit was a parody of reality TV competitions. (这个电视节目的小品是对真人秀竞赛的模仿。)

14. The comedian's routine included a parody of historical figures, poking fun at their quirks. (这位喜剧演员的表演包括对历史人物的模仿,取笑他们的怪癖。)

15. The performance was a clever parody of famous literary works, adapted into a comedic play. (这场表演是对著名文学作品的巧妙模仿,改编成了一出喜剧剧本。)


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