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时间: 2024-09-20 07:09:26


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "apparatus," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The laboratory was equipped with a sophisticated apparatus for measuring tiny electrical currents. (实验室配备了一套精密的仪器,用于测量微小的电流。)

2. The firefighter's protective apparatus included a helmet, jacket, and breathing apparatus. (消防员的防护装备包括头盔、夹克和呼吸器。)

3. The criminal investigation required specialized forensic apparatus to analyze the evidence. (刑事调查需要专门的法医设备来分析证据。)

4. The gymnast practiced on the parallel bars, a key apparatus in artistic gymnastics. (体操运动员在双杠上练习,这是艺术体操中的重要器械。)

5. The factory installed new manufacturing apparatus to increase production efficiency. (工厂安装了新的制造设备以提高生产效率。)

6. Astronomers use sophisticated apparatus to observe distant galaxies. (天文学家使用复杂的设备观测遥远的星系。)

7. The apparatus for distillation was carefully monitored to ensure purity of the final product. (蒸馏设备被仔细监控,以确保最终产品的纯度。)

8. The apparatus of government includes various departments and agencies. (政府机构包括各种部门和机构。)

9. The athlete trained intensively on the apparatus to prepare for the upcoming competition. (运动员在器械上进行了密集的训练,为即将到来的比赛做准备。)

10. The medical apparatus used in the surgery was sterilized thoroughly before use. (手术中使用的医疗设备在使用前经过了彻底的消毒。)

11. The apparatus of the cell consists of various organelles that perform specific functions. (细胞的器官包括执行特定功能的各种细胞器。)

12. Scientists developed a new experimental apparatus to test their hypothesis. (科学家开发了一种新的实验装置来测试他们的假设。)

13. The apparatus malfunctioned during the experiment, requiring immediate repairs. (实验中设备发生故障,需要立即修理。)

14. The apparatus of democracy ensures checks and balances between different branches of government. (民主的机制确保了政府各个分支之间的制衡。)

15. The magician's performance included a variety of apparatus to create illusions. (魔术师的表演包括各种道具来制造幻觉。)


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