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时间: 2024-09-20 07:08:00


Certainly! "Parley" 是指进行和解或谈判的意思。以下是一些例句和中文解释:

1. We called for a parley to discuss the terms of surrender. (我们召集了一次会谈,讨论投降的条件。)

2. The two leaders met for a parley to negotiate a peace agreement. (两位领导人进行了和解会谈,以谈判达成和平协议。)

3. During the parley, both sides presented their demands and concerns. (在会谈期间,双方提出了他们的要求和关切。)

4. The parley lasted late into the night as they tried to reach a compromise. (由于试图达成妥协,会谈持续到深夜。)

5. The diplomats arranged a parley to defuse the escalating tensions. (外交官安排了一次会谈,以缓解不断升级的紧张局势。)

6. He requested a parley with his boss to discuss his future at the company. (他请求与老板进行一次会谈,讨论他在公司的未来。)

7. The parley resulted in an agreement that satisfied both parties. (会谈最终达成了一项令双方满意的协议。)

8. They sat down for a parley to resolve their differences. (他们坐下来进行一次会谈,解决彼此之间的分歧。)

9. The pirates offered a parley before attacking the merchant ship. (海盗在袭击商船之前提出进行和谈。)

10. The parley ended with a handshake, signifying a truce. (会谈以握手结束,象征着停战。)

11. The parley was unsuccessful, leading to further hostilities. (会谈未能成功,导致进一步的敌对行动。)

12. The generals engaged in a parley to discuss terms of ceasefire. (将军们进行了一次会谈,讨论停火条件。)

13. A parley was arranged between the warring factions to negotiate peace. (为交战双方安排了一次会谈,以谈判和平。)

14. The parley was conducted in a neutral location to ensure fairness. (会谈在中立地点进行,以确保公平性。)

15. They agreed to meet again for another parley after consulting their advisors. (在咨询了顾问后,他们同意再次会晤进行另一次会谈。)


上一个 【英语】uniparous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】parlor的例句



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