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时间: 2024-09-20 11:52:36


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "surge" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. There was a surge of excitement as the concert began.

- 演唱会开始时,观众情绪激动。

2. The hospital experienced a surge of patients during flu season.

- 医院在流感季节迎来了病人激增。

3. After the announcement, there was a surge of interest in the company's stock.

- 公司股票的公告后,引发了投资者对其的浓厚兴趣。

4. The river surged after days of heavy rain.

- 经过几天的暴雨后,河水急剧上涨。

5. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he approached the finish line.

- 当他接近终点线时,肾上腺素激增。

6. The internet traffic surged when the new video went viral.

- 新视频爆红时,网络流量激增。

7. A surge in temperature made the city almost unbearable.

- 温度的急剧上升使得城市几乎难以忍受。

8. The surge of protests across the country led to political reforms.

- 全国范围内的抗议激增促成了政治改革。

9. Emergency services coped with a surge in calls during the storm.

- 暴风雨期间,应急服务面对通话量激增。

10. She felt a surge of relief when she found her lost keys.

- 她找到丢失的钥匙时,感到一阵如释重负。

11. The surge of migrants strained local resources.

- 移民激增使得当地资源紧张。

12. The surge in visitors overwhelmed the small town's infrastructure.

- 游客激增使得小镇的基础设施不堪重负。

13. The team experienced a surge of energy after their coach's motivating speech.

- 教练激励性的讲话后,团队感到一股能量的涌动。

14. The surge of creativity led to breakthrough innovations in technology.

- 创造力的激增促成了技术上的突破性创新。

15. He watched the surge of waves crashing against the rocks.

- 他看着海浪冲击着岩石的澎湃景象。


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