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时间: 2024-10-06 23:41:42


“Attache” 是一个法语借词,通常指派驻某国大使馆或领事馆的专员,特别是负责某一特定事务的官员。以下是15个关于“attache”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The cultural attaché organized an exhibition of local artists.

- 文化专员组织了本地艺术家的展览。

2. As the military attaché, he was responsible for liaising between the two countries' armed forces.

- 作为军事专员,他负责两国武装部队之间的联络工作。

3. The economic attaché presented a report on trade relations to the ambassador.

- 经济专员向大使提交了一份关于贸易关系的报告。

4. The press attaché handled all media inquiries and press releases.

- 新闻专员处理所有媒体询问和新闻稿。

5. The diplomatic attaché played a key role in negotiating the new treaty.

- 外交专员在谈判新条约中发挥了关键作用。

6. The educational attaché arranged for several exchange programs between the two countries.

- 教育专员安排了两国之间的多个交流项目。

7. As an attaché in the embassy, she was involved in various cultural diplomacy initiatives.

- 作为大使馆的专员,她参与了各种文化外交活动。

8. The attaché to the trade department was instrumental in facilitating business deals.

- 贸易部门的专员在促进商业交易中发挥了重要作用。

9. He was appointed as the attaché to the UN, focusing on humanitarian issues.

- 他被任命为联合国的专员,专注于人道主义问题。

10. The attaché worked closely with local government officials to improve bilateral relations.

- 专员与当地政府官员密切合作,以改善双边关系。

11. She serves as the attaché responsible for environmental affairs.

- 她担任负责环境事务的专员。

12. The attaché’s main task was to coordinate international aid during the crisis.

- 专员的主要任务是在危机期间协调国际援助。

13. The embassy’s attaché gave a presentation on the new cultural exchange programs.

- 大使馆的专员就新的文化交流项目进行了演讲。

14. The trade attaché's report was crucial for the upcoming negotiations with the partner country.

- 贸易专员的报告对即将与合作国的谈判至关重要。

15. The attaché was responsible for overseeing the embassy’s day-to-day operations.

- 专员负责监督大使馆的日常运作。


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