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时间: 2024-09-20 14:26:28



1. Under her tutelage, the young artist developed a unique style. (在她的指导下,这位年轻艺术家发展出了独特的风格。)

2. The children were placed under the tutelage of their aunt after their parents' passing. (孩子们在父母去世后由他们的姑姑监护。)

3. He grew immensely under the tutelage of his mentor. (在导师的指导下,他取得了巨大的进步。)

4. The professor took him under his tutelage and guided him through his doctoral studies. (教授收他为徒,指导他完成博士学业。)

5. The young knight flourished under the tutelage of the old warrior. (年轻骑士在老战士的教导下蓬勃发展。)

6. She sought out tutelage from experts in the field to improve her skills. (她向该领域的专家寻求指导,以提高自己的技能。)

7. The company provided financial tutelage for its employees to help them manage their money better. (公司为员工提供财务管理的培训,帮助他们更好地管理自己的资金。)

8. The young prince was placed under the tutelage of the royal tutor to learn the ways of courtly etiquette. (年轻王子被安排在皇家导师的监护下,学习宫廷礼仪。)

9. The school provides academic tutelage for struggling students to help them catch up with their peers. (学校为学习困难的学生提供学业辅导,帮助他们赶上同龄人。)

10. Artists of all ages seek his tutelage to improve their technique. (各个年龄段的艺术家都寻求他的指导来提高他们的技术。)

11. The young gymnast showed great promise under the tutelage of her coach. (年轻的体操运动员在教练的指导下展现了极大的潜力。)

12. The elder monk took the novice monk under his tutelage to teach him the ways of spiritual enlightenment. (老和尚收了新手和尚为徒,教导他精神启蒙的方法。)

13. She was placed under the legal tutelage of her uncle due to her parents' incapacity. (由于父母无能力行使监护权,她被安排在叔叔的法律监护下。)

14. The apprenticeship offered valuable tutelage in traditional craftsmanship. (这个学徒制度提供了传统工艺方面宝贵的指导。)

15. The company's leadership program provided effective tutelage for emerging managers. (公司的领导力培训项目为新兴经理提供了有效的指导。)


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