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时间: 2024-09-21 15:10:48



1. The transborder trade between the two countries has increased significantly since the new trade agreement. (由于新的贸易协定,两国之间的跨境贸易显著增加。)

2. The organization focuses on transborder issues such as environmental conservation and resource management. (该组织关注跨境问题,如环境保护和资源管理。)

3. They are investigating transborder crime syndicates that operate across multiple countries. (他们正在调查横跨多国运作的跨境犯罪团伙。)

4. The region faces challenges in managing transborder water resources. (该地区在跨境水资源管理方面面临挑战。)

5. The transborder highway connects several nations in the region, facilitating trade and tourism. (跨境公路连接了该地区的多个国家,促进了贸易和旅游。)

6. Cooperation on transborder issues requires diplomatic negotiations and international agreements. (在跨境问题上的合作需要外交谈判和国际协议。)

7. The transborder migration of wildlife is crucial for maintaining ecological balance. (野生动物的跨境迁徙对于维持生态平衡至关重要。)

8. The transborder flow of information has become easier with advancements in technology. (随着技术进步,跨境信息流动变得更加便利。)

9. International organizations play a key role in addressing transborder health crises. (国际组织在应对跨境健康危机方面发挥着关键作用。)

10. Transborder infrastructure projects require collaboration among neighboring countries. (跨境基础设施项目需要邻国之间的合作。)

11. The documentary explores the impact of transborder migration on local communities. (这部纪录片探讨了跨境迁移对当地社区的影响。)

12. Border controls have been tightened to prevent transborder smuggling. (加强边境管控以防止跨境走私。)

13. Transborder cultural exchanges enrich the diversity of traditions and customs. (跨境文化交流丰富了传统和习俗的多样性。)

14. The transborder dispute over natural resources has escalated tensions between the two countries. (围绕自然资源的跨境争端加剧了两国之间的紧张局势。)

15. Researchers are studying the implications of transborder labor movements on regional economies. (研究人员正在研究跨境劳动力流动对地区经济的影响。)


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