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时间: 2024-09-21 14:54:57



1. The mangrove forests thrive in brackish water where freshwater meets the sea. (红树林在淡咸水中茁壮成长,那里是淡水与海水相遇的地方。)

2. The estuary is home to many species that can tolerate brackish conditions. (这个河口是许多能够耐受淡咸条件的物种的家园。)

3. The shrimp farm uses brackish water to cultivate marine species. (虾场使用淡咸水来养殖海洋物种。)

4. Due to the brackish nature of the water, only certain types of fish can thrive in this lake. (由于水的淡咸性质,只有某些类型的鱼类能在这个湖中茁壮成长。)

5. The river delta forms brackish pools that are vital habitats for migratory birds. (河流三角洲形成了淡咸水池,这些水池对候鸟是重要的栖息地。)

6. Brackish water is less saline than seawater but more saline than freshwater. (淡咸水的盐度比海水低,但比淡水高。)

7. The aquarium recreates brackish conditions to house unique marine creatures. (水族馆再现淡咸条件来容纳独特的海洋生物。)

8. Some plants have adapted to thrive in brackish environments where others cannot survive. (一些植物已经适应在淡咸环境中茁壮成长,而其他植物无法生存。)

9. The salinity level of the lake fluctuates, creating brackish zones along the shore. (湖泊的盐度水平波动,形成了沿岸的淡咸区域。)

10. Brackish marshes provide essential nursery grounds for juvenile fish. (淡咸沼泽为幼鱼提供重要的育种场所。)

11. The brackish taste of the water made it unsuitable for drinking without treatment. (水的淡咸味道使其未经处理不适合饮用。)

12. Oysters are often found in brackish waters along the coast. (牡蛎经常生长在沿海的淡咸水域。)

13. The brackish pond was a popular spot for birdwatchers due to its diverse avian population. (淡咸池塘因其多样的鸟类种群而成为观鸟者的热门地点。)

14. Mangrove ecosystems are adapted to thrive in brackish conditions. (红树林生态系统适应在淡咸条件下茁壮成长。)

15. Fishermen prefer brackish lagoons for their abundance of fish species. (渔民喜欢淡咸的泻湖因为那里鱼类种类繁多。)


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