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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:08



1. The moth had a fuscous coloration that helped it blend into the bark of trees. (这只蛾子有深褐色的颜色,帮助它融入树皮。)

2. The sky turned a fuscous gray just before the storm hit. (风暴来临前,天空变成了深灰色。)

3. The old painting had acquired a fuscous hue over the years. (多年来,这幅老画的颜色变得深沉。)

4. The cave was filled with a fuscous darkness that made it difficult to see. (洞穴里充满了昏暗的黑暗,让人看不清楚。)

5. Her hair was a fuscous shade of brown that shimmered in the sunlight. (她的头发是一种深褐色的颜色,在阳光下闪闪发光。)

6. The fuscous clouds signaled an impending thunderstorm. (深灰色的云彩预示着即将到来的雷暴。)

7. The caterpillar was camouflaged against the fuscous leaves of the bush. (毛毛虫在深褐色的灌木叶子上隐蔽起来。)

8. The ruins of the ancient city were bathed in a fuscous twilight. (古城的废墟在深暮色中显得苍凉。)

9. The artist used fuscous tones to convey a sense of melancholy in the painting. (艺术家运用深沉的色调在画作中表达了忧郁的情感。)

10. The mountain range was covered in a fuscous mist, creating an eerie atmosphere. (山脉被一层深灰色的薄雾覆盖,营造出一种诡异的氛围。)

11. The fuscous waters of the lake reflected the overcast sky above. (湖水深灰色地映射着上面阴沉的天空。)

12. His fuscous mood lifted when he received good news. (他收到好消息时,心情的阴霾一扫而空。)

13. The library was filled with the musty smell of old books and had a fuscous ambiance. (图书馆充满了旧书的霉味,氛围显得阴沉。)

14. The fuscous clouds parted briefly, allowing a ray of sunlight to break through. (深灰色的云朵短暂地散开,让一道阳光穿透进来。)

15. The interior of the church was lit by candles, casting fuscous shadows on the walls. (教堂内点燃了蜡烛,墙壁上投下深暗的阴影。)


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