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时间: 2024-10-08 09:56:28


当然,请看以下关于 "narcotic" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. Morphine is a powerful narcotic used to relieve severe pain after surgery. (吗啡是一种强效麻醉药物,用于手术后缓解剧烈疼痛。)

2. The police found narcotics hidden in the suspect's car trunk. (警察在嫌疑人的汽车后备箱里发现了藏匿的毒品。)

3. Opioids are a type of narcotic that can be highly addictive. (阿片类药物是一种可能极易成瘾的麻醉药物。)

4. The doctor prescribed a narcotic painkiller for the patient's chronic back pain. (医生给患者开了一种麻醉镇痛药,用于治疗慢性背痛。)

5. Heroin is an illegal narcotic with dangerous consequences for health. (海洛因是一种非法麻醉品,对健康有严重危害。)

6. The use of narcotics in medicine requires strict regulation and control. (医学上使用麻醉药物需要严格的监管和控制。)

7. Addiction to narcotics can have devastating effects on families and communities. (对麻醉药物的成瘾可能对家庭和社区造成毁灭性影响。)

8. The illegal trade in narcotics fuels violence and crime in many urban areas. (非法贩卖麻醉品在许多城市地区助长了暴力和犯罪活动。)

9. Cocaine and marijuana are among the most commonly abused narcotics worldwide. (可卡因和大麻是全球滥用最多的麻醉品之一。)

10. Doctors must carefully monitor patients prescribed narcotics to prevent misuse. (医生必须仔细监控开了麻醉药物的患者,以防止滥用。)

11. The suspect was charged with possession of narcotics with intent to distribute. (嫌疑人被控以意图分销的罪名持有麻醉品。)

12. Many countries have strict laws against trafficking in narcotics. (许多国家对贩运麻醉品有严格的法律。)

13. The patient experienced nausea and dizziness as side effects of the narcotic. (患者因使用麻醉药物而出现恶心和头晕等副作用。)

14. Some narcotic substances are derived from natural plants, while others are synthetic. (一些麻醉物质来自天然植物,而另一些是合成的。)

15. The government launched a campaign to educate young people about the dangers of narcotics. (政府发起了一场运动,向年轻人宣传麻醉品的危险性。)

希望这些例句能够帮助到你理解 "narcotic" 这个词的用法和含义!

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