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时间: 2024-09-20 13:59:29


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "odium" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The scandal brought great odium upon the company. (这场丑闻给公司带来了巨大的耻辱。)

2. His actions were met with universal odium. (他的行为遭到了普遍的憎恶。)

3. The politician resigned to avoid further odium. (这位政治家辞职以避免进一步的指责。)

4. The criminal's odium extended to his family. (罪犯的耻辱波及到了他的家人。)

5. He bore the odium of his predecessor's mistakes. (他承受了前任错误带来的耻辱。)

6. The odium of defeat hung heavily over the team. (失败的耻辱深深地笼罩在这支队伍之上。)

7. They were subjected to public odium for their controversial views. (他们因为他们的争议观点而遭受公众的指责。)

8. The odium attached to the crime was overwhelming. (这种罪行带来的耻辱是难以忍受的。)

9. Her resignation was an attempt to shield her party from odium. (她的辞职是为了保护她的政党免受指责。)

10. The scandalous behavior brought lasting odium to his reputation. (那种丑陋的行为给他的声誉带来了持久的污点。)

11. The odium of corruption tarnished the government's image. (腐败的耻辱玷污了政府的形象。)

12. He faced the odium of public censure. (他面临公众谴责的耻辱。)

13. The criminal's actions deservedly attracted odium. (罪犯的行为理所当然地招致了憎恶。)

14. The odium of the scandal affected the entire community. (丑闻的耻辱影响了整个社区。)

15. The odium of war hung over the nation for generations. (战争的耻辱在几代人中持续存在。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "odium" in various contexts!

上一个 【英语】odometer的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】odious的例句



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