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时间: 2024-09-20 08:26:29


Certainly! "Abominate" means to hate or detest intensely. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations:

1. She abominates cruelty in any form. 她深恶痛绝任何形式的残酷行为。

2. He abominates the way they treat animals at that factory. 他憎恶他们在那家工厂对待动物的方式。

3. They abominate the idea of war. 他们憎恶战争的想法。

4. The dictator's regime was abominated by the international community. 独裁者的统治遭到国际社会的憎恶。

5. She abominates dishonesty above all else. 她最讨厌的是虚伪。

6. The villagers abominate the new highway cutting through their fields. 村民们对穿过他们田地的新公路深感反感。

7. He abominates politicians who lie to gain votes. 他憎恶那些为了获得选票而撒谎的政客。

8. Many people abominate the exploitation of natural resources for profit. 许多人憎恶为了利润而开采自然资源。

9. She abominates the sight of blood. 她非常讨厌看到血。

10. They abominate the corruption that plagues their government. 他们深恶痛绝困扰他们政府的腐败现象。

11. He abominates people who take advantage of others' misfortunes. 他憎恶那些利用别人不幸的人。

12. The artist's work was abominated by critics but loved by the public. 这位艺术家的作品遭到评论家的憎恶,但受到了公众的喜爱。

13. She abominates being late for appointments. 她非常讨厌约会迟到。

14. They abominate the way the media distorts the truth. 他们憎恶媒体歪曲事实的方式。

15. The community abominates discrimination in any form. 社区深恶痛绝任何形式的歧视。


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