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时间: 2024-09-18 15:32:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "impinge" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The new regulations will impinge on our ability to operate freely. (新的规定将影响我们的自由操作能力。)

2. The noise from the construction site impinges on our daily lives. (施工现场的噪音影响了我们的日常生活。)

3. Her decision not to attend the meeting will impinge on the project's progress. (她决定不参加会议会影响项目的进展。)

4. His rude behavior began to impinge on their friendship. (他粗鲁的行为开始影响他们的友谊。)

5. The privacy laws may impinge on investigative journalism. (隐私法可能会影响调查新闻报道。)

6. The proposed budget cuts could impinge on essential services. (提议的预算削减可能会影响到基本服务。)

7. The restrictions placed on internet usage have begun to impinge on academic research. (对互联网使用的限制已经开始影响学术研究。)

8. The policy changes are expected to impinge on international trade agreements. (政策变动预计会影响国际贸易协定。)

9. His personal beliefs should not impinge on his professional duties. (他的个人信仰不应影响他的职业责任。)

10. The storm's aftermath will likely impinge on travel plans. (风暴过后可能会影响旅行计划。)

11. The high taxes have started to impinge on consumer spending. (高额税收已经开始影响消费者支出。)

12. The new building construction will impinge on the neighborhood's skyline. (新建筑的建设将影响到周围社区的天际线。)

13. The negative publicity may impinge on the company's sales figures. (负面宣传可能会影响公司的销售数字。)

14. His health issues began to impinge on his ability to work. (他的健康问题开始影响他的工作能力。)

15. The weather conditions could impinge on outdoor events scheduled for this weekend. (天气状况可能会影响本周末安排的户外活动。)


上一个 【英语】peripatetic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】pinnacle的例句



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